Jul 16th
Home English News Khanh Hoa to develop world-class urban area

Khanh Hoa to develop world-class urban area

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Cam Lam in Khanh Hoa Province will be developed into a world-class urban area connecting with the Cam Ranh International Airport, according to the Khanh Hoa authority.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh approved a plan for developing the Cam Lam urban area in the south-central province on September 7, aimed at forming a world-class urban area together with Nha Trang, Cam Ranh and Van Phong.

This project will encompass 13 communes and one town in Cam Lam District with a total area of nearly 55 hectares.

Cam Lam District in Khanh Hoa is seen from above
(Photo: VGP)

Khanh Hoa plans to develop international science and technology centers, world-class educational centers and medical institutions in the area, as well as improve infrastructure and logistics services with the Cam Ranh International Airport.

Cam Lam District will have a smart sustainable urban area connected with the ecosystem of the Thuy Trieu lagoon, the Northern Cam Ranh Peninsula tourist attraction and the Nha Trang Bay.

Moreover, a global intellectual connection center, as popular as silicon valley, home to many excellent global technology companies, will be opened in Cam Lam within the next three years.

According to the Khanh Hoa People’s Committee, the population of the Cam Lam new urban area is expected to reach some 770,000 people in 2045, with several permanent residents of around 520,000 people.

Urban land of Cam Lam will be around 13,000-15,000 hectares in 2030 and 19,000-20,000 hectares in 2045.

(The Saigon Times)


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