The Politburo asking the capital city to boost infrastructure breakthroughs.
Hanoi needs to give priority to promoting infrastructure breakthroughs, particularly in implementing the urban railway network with the goal of completing 14 metro routes before 2035, according to the Politburo.
The direction is part of the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 80-KL/TU, dated May 24, on the planning of Hanoi for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050, and a project to adjust the Master Plan for Hanoi Capital to 2045, vision to 2065.
Under the city’s draft master plan on building the urban railway network, the city will build and put into operation about 96.8 out of 397.8 km (24%) of the urban railway network by 2030.
Some 76% or 301 km of the railway network are expected for completion by 2035. The whole network is projected to complete by 2045.
The conclusion stresses the need to enhancing regional connection, particularly transport and logistics connection, to promote the strengths of the waterway, road, air and railway network of Hanoi to gradually narrow down the distance between the capital city and other localities in the region and the whole country.
In the conclusion, the Politburo also agreed with the necessity to upgrade Gia Lam and Hoa Lac military airports into dual-use facilities and study the construction of the second airport for Hanoi.
Anh Tu