Jul 17th
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Gallery - Stein Halvorsen Architects

Gallery Description

Stein Halvorsen AS Sivilarkitekter MNAL was established in 1996 after having won the architectural competition for Parliament for the Sámi people. 

Our business is mainly based on participation and awards in architectural competitions. During the office 11 years of practise a large number of projects, won in competitions, has been completed or is about to be completed. Among our employers are large companies in public and private sector.

To go after architectural competitions is professionally developing and intensifying. We have through awards and victories repeatedly gained recognition for the ability to develop good concepts based on splendidly organisation and characteristic expressions.

A great many of the projects are attached to the public room and life. This applies to Parliament for the Sámi people, culture houses, art galleries, churches, court houses, fire stations, schools and more. We have lately also won several competitions for housing, which of some are about to be completed.

In 2001 we received Statens Byggeskikkspris (The Norwegian Building prize) and in 2002 Nord-Norges Arkitekturpris (North Norway’s architectural prize) for Parliament for the Sámi people in Karasjok.

