Jan 22nd
Home English News HCM City to host two exhibitions on construction industry

HCM City to host two exhibitions on construction industry

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Two international exhibitions on construction industry, building materials and interior and exterior decor will be held in Ho Chi Minh City in September.

The announcement was made at a press conference jointly held by the Ministry of Construction’s Information Centre and the HCM City-based AFC International Exhibition and Fair Company on August 28.

Vietbuild 2009, scheduled to take place from September 9 to13, will present the latest building materials, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly machinery, equipment and technologies used in the production of construction materials.

The 3,700-stand exhibition is expected to attract 1,300 construction companies from 22 countries and territories, including the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Japan, China, Malaysia, the US, France, Germany and India.

Another exhibition, which is on Real Estate and Interior and Exterior Decor, will be held from September 20 to 24. It will concentrate on different kinds of housing and interior and exterior trimmings produced by over 300 domestic and foreign companies.

Also, there will be workshops on investment opportunities in Vietnam’s real estate market, legislation surrounding the real estate market in Vietnam as well as various issues related to housing for low-income people in urban areas.


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